Are you a Common Ground champion? I bet you are.
Common Ground is looking for amazing people like you to help us compete for up $500,000 worth of matching funds through the Crowdrise #GivingTuesday Newman’s Own challenge. You can make a huge difference for Common Ground’s future!
What does joining the team mean?
- Be you. (You’re off to a great start!)
- Create a donation page through Crowdrise (link coming soon!) It’s super simple–we give you the template, you just modify the text/add your photos as you see fit.
- Ask the people you know who love the environment, your family, and you to make a donation to your page. We will help you along the way with creative and easy ways to ask, to say thank you, and more.
- CELEBRATE! Together, we are growing a stronger Common Ground.
It’s just that easy!
I hope you will join us for this fun way to share Common Ground love–even from the comfort of your pajamas.
Interested? Click here to sign up and team captain Kate Cebik will be in touch!
Questions? Email or call her at (203) 389-4333 x1219
Go team!