Jonathan Carney 2023-01-22T17:51:33-05:00
Members of the Class of 2022 and their advisor, Mr. Carney, on the Springside Bridge.

Members of the Class of 2022 and their guide, Mr. Carney, on the Springside Bridge.

Mr. Carney teaches Physical Education and Health at Common Ground. His professional path is to provide wellness, physical activity, and health guidance for all students he meets in the classroom.

Mr. Carney has a desire to help educate youth and empower them to take over care for their own health which led him to this teaching opportunity. He is motivated by the connections he makes with students and the ability to help them learn how to better care for themselves.

Outside of Common Ground,  Mr. Carney enjoys spending time with his wife and son, and also finds joy in spending time with friends. He engages in physical activities whenever and wherever he can.