Teaching Our Cities 2017-11-15T09:49:01-05:00

Imagine urban public schools that mobilize their cities as learning laboratories, and that are responsive to the cities their students call home. That’s the vision for Teaching Our Cities — a project of Common Ground.

Common Ground brings together urban public high schools from across the region and the country to bring this vision to life. Visit teachcity.org to get the latest updates — and read on to learn about the evolution of this partnership.

In year one, Teaching Our Cities brought together educators from urban public high schools across the region and the country for a series of day-long Learning Exchanges — on topics from City Math to Student Projects for Social Justice. Check out the video below to learn more.

In fall 2016, Common Ground launching a new phase of Teaching Our Cities – building a community of practice across five urban public high school, working together to tackle our shared challenges, document our effective practices, visit each others’ schools, and receive mini-grants to support this work.

In 2018 and 2019, Common Ground is sustaining this deep community of practice while also looking for ways to build a broader network of like-minded schools, close to home and across the country.

Want to get involved? Have questions? Contact Joel Tolman, Director of Impact & Engagement, at jtolman@commongroundct.org.

Teaching Our Cities has been developed with support from the Barr Foundation, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Gould Foundation, the Dalio Foundation. The contents of this site do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Environmental Protection Agency, nor does the EPA endorse trade names or recommend the use of commercial products mentioned on this site.