Common Ground Board Meeting – December 2013 – Minutes

Note: December board meeting was rescheduled for January 6, 2014

Present: Frank Mitchell, Mike Doolittle, Wendy Battles, Monique Frasier, Bob Parker, Claudia Merson, Jane Lee, Joel Tolman, Liz Cox, Betsy Sneath, Melissa Spear, Ben Gardner by proxy, John Jessen by proxy.

Minutes: Jane made motion to accept minutes/notes from November and Mike was the second.  The board approved.

Business requiring approval or action: Board resumed debate on the details of the federally recommended non-discrimination policy. Bob made a motion to accept the non-discrimination policy and Mike was the second.  The discussion continued with the body moving toward adopting a clarifying statement from the institution.  The board voted to accept the federal non-discrimination policy.  Jane moved and Claudia was the second for the motion to adopt a clarifying statement.  The body approved that motion.

Board resolution designating restricted School Construction Grant fund —CG has set aside funds for the construction project demonstrated by this board resolution.  This designated fund acts as the match for our requested funds. Claudia moved the board resolution designating this board-restricted fund and Wendy’s was the second voice.  The motion passed.  See attachment

Construction Invoice & Tracking of Costs Processthis process designates one board member as the contact and reporting figure (Mike Doolittle) for the larger than normally approved invoices that will continue during the construction period.   ED will meet regularly with the board contact for approval and signature and contact will monitor the process and update the board.  The ED will report on expenses at each board meeting.

In the discussion of the motion Melissa reminded the group that the committee has selected Newfield Construction for construction management services. Newfield was affordable and had experience with schools.  We are preparing for a construction loan to cover any over run and cash flow issues.

Wendy moved the motion on the board designee for construction invoices and reporting.  Mike (followed by Frank) was the second and the motion passed.  See attachment.

Invoices to be approved
Kyle Bradley $13, 725
LaRosa Earth Group  first half of the berm work $133,373
RWA moving the water main     $107, 604.54
Bob’s Land Clearing  (pre approved) $16,000

Claudia made the motion to approve the payments and Bob was the seconds. The board voted to approve the motion and pay these bills.

Development:  A quick mention of a next step summit on January 22 and several “unexpected” pledges that arrived at the end of the year to push the campaign total into a great place to begin the New Year.

School Update: With the construction business finished, the group discussed how the campus was managing in the days after Common Ground senior Javier’s death.  Support from the state, the city, NH Family Alliance, and the Common Ground community was encouraging.  Liz also described the school open house and updates from NH Police.  Crisis staff from the State Board of Ed and NH Schools had been in contact too.

Common Ground senior seminar will find a way to respond to this event.


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