Common Ground Board Meeting, June 22, 2015 – Minutes

Present: Frank Mitchell, Bob Parker, Kim Futrell, Jane Lee, Mike Doolittle, Beth Klingher, Monique Frasier, Rebecca Holcombe, Liz Cox, Kimball Cartwright, Melissa Spear, Wendy Battles, John Jessen, Claudia Merson Babz Rawls Ivy

Welcome: Meeting opened with recognition of the recent graduation which some saw as an especially exuberant celebration. A quick recap of the year’s highlights followed with thanks for the commitment.

Minutes: Wendy made a motion to accept the minutes and Jane was the second. The body approved the minutes.

Invoices: Melissa presented the following invoices for payment.

  • Newfield invoice $422, 840 which includes an invoice package showing the project as 15.49% finished.
  • Bensonwood $83546.25 design and fabrication
  • Rock to Rock payments: Urban Resources Initiative ($35,978.78), New Haven Department of Parks, Recreation, and Trees ($15,382.37),
    New Haven Leon Sister City Project ($15,173.59), and CitySeed ($13,019.45)
  • Gray Organschi construction admin $5265.88
  • CBIA insurance $18,724.82
  • Achievement First furniture/equipment purchase $6330.00
  • Playable Studios (outdoor learning lab elm city Montessori) $5000.00

Mike made the motion to approve payment for these invoices and Jane’s was the second voice. The board approved the motion.

Business Requiring Approval: Over the summer audit committee/task group will consider a new process for review and reconciliation of finances as recommended by the SDE for testing in the fall. Members reviewed the financial documents, the reconciliation form, and expense sheet for June. The audit contracts for work with HRT arrived with an estimate of $ 7,500 NHEP and $12,500 for CGHS. Bob made the motion to accept the contract and Kim’s voice was the second. The motion passed.

The body turned to renewal of the Healthy Food Certification for the year. Claudia was the second to Bob’s motion supporting renewal of the certification. The body approved the motion.

Strategic Objectives: Joel presented a recap of data collection during the values vision research phase. Internal work by staff had generated a version of strategic priorities for the next 3 years and that document is distributed. Next steps? Joel may circulate strategies and tactics or a dashboard that reflects everything. The CEIO work may lead to assessment questions that should be reflected here as well. A possible next step would be attending the 3pm friday staff event for further conversation.

Program: Liz presented the Attendance Data Average (%93.14) for the year. The chronic absentee number is %16.4, and that is the number of students that acquired 18 or more unexcused absences divided by number of students. The next challenge is building upon the plan for addressing chronic absenteeism once the data is clear. Rebecca shared a brief update on the program year’s end with numbers and comparison to come. Camp staff scheduled to start the following Monday and the season is basically sold out.

Development: Kimball presented the development/outreach dashboard that showed an increase from PCLB this year and a 501c3 letter request from Seedlings. The Feast committee has been chartered and work is pending. Work has begun to update annual development plan and an EPA education grant will be submitted to support building a community of practice amongst peer organizations.

Meeting adjourned by 7:10


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