Common Ground Board Meeting Minutes – September 28, 2015

Present: Frank Mitchell, Mike Doolittle, Bob Parker, Monique Frasier, Kim Futrell, Wendy Battles, Claudia Merson, Jane Lee, Babz Rawls Ivy, Kimball Cartwright, Joel Tolman, Liz Cox, Melissa Spear, Rebecca Holcombe, Betsy Sneath

Regrets: Ben Gardner, John Jessen, Beth Klingher

Welcome: Greetings and recognition of the successful Feast from the Fields event over the weekend.

Minutes: Body reviewed the minutes  (a clarification on the rock to rock payments –amounts, from Joel). Kim made the motion and Wendy’s was the second voice. The board voted to approve the minutes.

Business Requiring Approval:

Liz presented the School Improvement Plan Summary — community effort, strategic conversation amongst people working in key areas of the school, review, try to target and prioritize school focus, then farm out for further work and revision. (See document)


  • reduce chronic absenteeism, a state encouraged goal
  • Leadership, measure via portfolio defense, student voice indicator, environmental leadership plan
  • Academic achievement, math/reading, review growth at reasonable rate baseline
  • Pushing culturally relevant engaging learning tests
  • College success/readiness, enrollment and persistence (sustain) and raise GPA as representative of prep, overall credit earned with 10% increase
  • Inclusion and equity, school culture goal, engage parents in active involvement, restorative justice

CG Safety & Security

Melissa introduced the act that required us to create/update the safety and security plan. It is based on a template and ongoing conversations with staff. Given construction etc we needed a plan for the entire site not just the school. One requirement is the NIMS framework (national incident management system) hierarchy i.e. in an emergency there is a designated incident commander,

In the discussion several members strongly encouraged creating some document synthesizing the plan that can be shared with parents, ideally by the parent meeting on Oct 10.


  • Newfield, $864, 164.22
  • Corp Consulting $10, 667
  • Corp Consulting   $6325.00
  • Gray Organschi $5000.00
  • CBIA Health $17, 946.20
  • Advance Benefit Strategies $8, 642.94
  • Claudia made the motion to approve payment of the invoices and Mike’s voice was the second. During the questions there was an amendment to include approval of the credit card bill. Board voted to pay the bills.

CDBG contract naming Melissa as the authorized agent required board approval and Bob made the motion which Babz seconded. The board passed that motion.

December meeting moved to Dec 21 as new meeting date.

Program Updates:

Buck Foundation reps will be visiting the next meeting.

Community Programs: Rebecca previewed the year’s data for community programs: 14,000 visitors and participants which is consistent with past 2 years; afterschool starts tomorrow and the calendar is full.

Melissa also wanted to mention that schematic design for new building is progressing, Newfield is at work on a cost estimate, and this is related because it —construction—may affect summer camp. We’ll need to discuss next month.

Development: Kimball noted #givingtuesday right after thanksgiving and our participation as the beneficiary of a Newman’s Own Foundation’s $10,000 match for every dollar contributed on Crowdrise. Our challenge will be introducing this digital resource to our donor base.

For the remainder of the meeting the body focused on the organization dashboard prototype. There was engaged discussion with some suggestions for follow up and ideas for balancing the data and the volume of work necessary to produce the tool so it might be manageable for a monthly meeting.

The meeting adjourned by 7:15


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