Nothing to do after school? What about…
- Making pizza with vegetables and herbs from the farm
- Going on a hike and stopping to play a game or build a shelter
- Climbing through Judge’s Cave
- Catching giant bullfrogs in the wetland
- Spending time with our sheep, chickens, and goat and learning about the farm, wool, and egg production
For the school aged children who join us in the Kids Unplugged program, these are daily adventures enjoyed after school!
Every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday after school, our team of awesome environmental educators offers the Kids Unplugged kids a choice from up to four different activities. Children sign up for the activity of their choice and then have up to 45 minutes to engage in free, unstructured play and exploration in the mud kitchen, garden, animal yards, and game room. When the cowbell rings at the end of free time, everyone gathers at the picnic tables and waits to be called for their activity. By this time, our high school student counselors have joined us and they head off to the farm or into the woods with their activity groups!
Kids Unplugged has run for many years for a short fall session and a longer session in the spring, but this is the first year that it is offered in a continuous session from fall, into winter and spring! Children who join us this year for after school programs will enjoy winter activities including cooking, nature arts, snowshoeing, and winter wildlife tracking.

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